5.5 Replacement and retrieve

When you edit a large file, it's difficult to move to target position by using only cursor-move-commands and page-jump-commands. If the command which searches the character string in a text file is used, it can move to the target position quickly. There is a related substitution command, which replaces searched character string to different character string.

 Command  Action
 /word  Retrieve the word
   n  Find the next word
 N  Find the previous word
 :[line] s/AAA/BBB/[option]  Replace "AAA" to "BBB" in specific lines.
   m,n: from m to n th lines
   %: every lines
   omission: current line
   g: replace several word in a line

Table 5-8: Search and Replace

5.5.1 Retrieve a string

In order to edit a large text quickly, we can use the command which moves cursor to the target character string.



Practice: Retrieve a string

Open a existed file "/var/log/dmesg" using vi command.

$ vi /var/log/dmesg ↵
"/var/log/dmesg" [readonly] 299L, 14056C

Input a string, which you want to find, after "/" command, move the string. Here, input "/CPU?" in order to find "CPU".

Figure 5-13: Screen

When there are the same string in a file, you can find the next string with "n" command, or the previous string with "N" command repeatedly.

Not to change the contents of the file, we use ":q!" command.

:q! ↵

5.5.2 Replace a string

As convenient editing function, you can replace searched character string into specified character string. The substitution is also repeatable.


: target-line s/original-string/replace-string/option

If target-line and option are omitted, the current line is target.
If option -g is specified, it replaces several string in the same line, otherwise it replaces only one time in each lines.

Practice: Replace a string

Open a existed file "/var/log/dmesg" using vi command.

$ vi /var/log/dmesg ↵
"/var/log/dmesg" [readonly] 299L, 14056C

In order to replace "CPU" to "cpu" in only a line, find "CPU" using "/CPU[Enter]" command, then replace only that string using ":s/CPU/cpu/[Enter]" command.


Figure 5-14: Screen

If target line is from 1 to 100 line, you can specify "1,100" as target line.
When replace in entire file, specify "%" as target line.
If you omit option, it replaces only the first found string.
The "g" option can replace every strings in the same line.
If you use "%" and "g" option, it can replace every string in a file.
Here, in order to replace every "CPU" to "cpu", input ":%s/CPU/cpu/g[Enter]" command.


Figure 5-15: Screen 06-15a→b Before and After of Search+Replace command

Not to change the contents of the file, we use ":q!" command.

:q! ↵

 Command  Action
 /word  Retrieve the word
   n  Find the next word
 N  Find the previous word
 :[line] s/AAA/BBB/[option]  Replace "AAA" to "BBB" in specific lines.
   m,n: from m to n th lines
   %: every lines
   omission: current line
   g: replace several word in a line

Table 5-9: Search and Replace

5.5.3 The easiest usage of vi command

In vi editor, you can do everything with alphabet, [Esc], [Shift], [Ctrl], and [Enter].

In both insert mode and command mode, you can use arrow keys and [BS] key.
Therefore, if you know "i" command for changing to insert mode and ":wq" command to exit with saving a file, you can edit a file at least.

 Command  Action
 [Esc]  Back to command mode
 [Shift]  Input capital letter
 [Ctrl] + f  Next page
 [Ctrl] + b  Previous Page
 ^  Move to beginning of file in command mode
 $  Move to beginning of the last line in command mod

Table 5-10: Keys used frequently

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