5.2 Insert mode and command mode

There are two mode in vi editor. Firstly, when you run vi editor, it is command mode for input command.

For editing, you need to change mode by command.

The vi editor is called screen editor which execute a command for current cursor position basically.

5.2.1 Input text

You need to change to insert mode by command to input text.

Practice: Input text

Specify non-existing file "viinsert.txt".

$ vi viinsert.txt ↵
"viinsert.txt" [New File]

 Key  Action
 [Esc]  Exit from insert mode
Stop the inputting command
 [Delete]  Delete a character in insert mode
(a character which at cursor position's)
 [BackSpace]  Delete a character in insert mode
(a character which is before cursor position's)

Table 5-4:Special Key

To input text, change to insert mode using "i" command.

Then input text such as "test".

After inputting text, press [Esc] key to exit insert mode.


To input text after cursor, use "a" command.

Here, input "aTEST[Esc]". ("a" is a command, "TEST" is input string.)


To input text at the beginning of line, use "I" command.

Here, input "I1234[Esc]". ("I" is a command, "1234" is input string.)


To input text at the end of line, use "A" command.

Here, input "A6789[Esc]". ("A" is a command, "6789" is input string.)


When you have mistaken to input, delete a character before cursor using [Delete] or [BS].

The function of [Delete] and [BS] depends on environment.

After this file is changed, save a file and exit using ":wq" command.

"viinsert.txt" [New File] 1 line, 17 characters written

5.2.2 Move cursor

If you want to edit a file, you can move cursor using commands as follows.

 Command  Action
 h or ←  Move to left
 j or ↓  Move to down
 k or ↑  Move to up
 l or →  Move to right

Table 5-5:Commands for moving cursor

Practice: Move cursor

Specify non-existing file "vimove.txt".

$ vi vimove.txt ↵

Input "itesttest[Esc]". Now the cursor is on the last "t".

If you want to insert space between "t" and "t", move cursor between "t" and "t".

For moving cursor to left, input "h". For moving cursor to right, input "l".

It is possible to use "←" instead of "h", "→" instead of "l".

Here, moving cursor between "t" and "t", then input "i [Esc]". (After "i" command, input space.)



test test

Figure 5-1: Screen

Input "test test" in 4 lines.

For moving cursor to down, input "j". For moving cursor to up, input "k".

It is possible to use "↓" instead of "j", "↑" instead of "k".

Here, move to the top line, then input "IBegin[Enter][Esc]", and move to the last line, then input "A[Enter]End[Esc]".

test test
test test
test test
test test
test test

Figure 5-2: Screen

test test
test test
test test
test test
test test

Figure 5-3: Screen

test test
test test
test test
test test
test test
-- INSERT --         6,10     All

Figure 5-4: Screen

test test
test test
test test
test test
test test

Figure 5-5: Screen

Because a file is changed, save a file and exit using ":wq" command.

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